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Afis facebook 2023          Starting 2014, Buzău County Council and Centre County Culture and Art from Buzau are organizing The International Folklore Festival “Plaiurile Mioritei”, 8th edition Festival in CIOFF calendar.

Wanting to create a real holiday of folklore of everywhere, the purpose of our Festival is to gather people - messengers of folklore, from country and abroad, to share that joy with people from all over the world, to make friendship, joy and love live forever.

Having a dynamic and effective organization, the Festival from Buzău aims to dismiss any frontiers, inviting ensembles from more countries of the world.

The people from Buzău are expecting you with open arms, and they are anxious to know your customs by means of your dance, music and costumes.

The Folklore Festival invites you to a cultural exchange where you can celebrate.

  Certificat CIOFF - Festival Afis Festival International 2023 site
